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Scotts Valley Little League

Scotts Valley Little League

Forms and Documents


  • Medical Release Form - Required for registration.
  • Media Release Form - Required for AAA and Majors players for live streaming of games.
  • Concussion Information Sheet - CDC advice on how to spot a concussion and what to do if a concussion occurs.
  • Residency & School Attendance Eligibility Requirements - Outlines the documents needed during registration to determine league eligibility.
  • School Enrollment Form - Required if verifying eligibility based on school attendance within league boundaries. Must be signed by a school administrator.
  • Regulation II(d) Waiver  - This waiver allows a player to continue participating if they have legally participated in the league in the past and no longer qualify to participate under residency or school enrollment due to moving, changing schools, or a change in the league’s boundaries. Additionally, it allows the sibling of a player participating in a Little League program as a result of school attendance, to also participate in the same league for the duration of his/her Little League eligibility.
  • Regulation IV(h) Waiver - If a person has previously resided within the league boundaries for two years while serving the league as a dedicated manager, coach or member of the Local League Board of Directors for two years, then his or her sons and/or daughters are eligible to try out and be selected by teams in the league.
  • Parent Code of Conduct

Managers & Coaches: 


Scotts Valley Little League
P.O. Box 66268 
Scotts Valley, California 95067

Phone: 831-515-8268
Email: [email protected]

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