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Scotts Valley Little League

Scotts Valley Little League

SVLL Divisions

T-ball (4-7 year olds)
We play 3 inning games, use soft baseballs, and kids hit the ball off a tee. Everybody bats every inning and field every inning, and we don’t keep score. The field is by the Vine Hill Elementary school’s portable buildings. We recommend T-ball for players' first year of Little League.

Single-A (5-8 year olds) [after a year of T-ball]
We play 6 inning games, use soft baseballs, and the coaches pitch to the kids. Players bat until a given pitch limit, and we don’t keep score. The field is below the amphitheater at Siltanen Park. We recommend Single-A after one year of T-ball, or for 8 year olds playing baseball for the first time.

AA (7-10 year olds)
We play 6 inning games, use hardballs, and pitching is split between the coaches and the kids. Players bat until a given pitch limit, and we keep score and standings. The field is above the amphitheater on Vine Hill Elementary School’s grounds. Players are drafted on AA teams based on tryouts.

AAA (8-11 year olds)
We play 6 inning games, use hardballs, and kids do the pitching. Kids bat until a given limit, and we keep score and standings. The field is above the Double A field, by the snack shack, on Vine Hill Elementary School’s grounds. Players are drafted on AAA teams based on tryouts.

Majors (9-12 year olds)
We play 6 inning games, use hardballs, and kids do the pitching. Kids bat until a given limit, and we keep score and standings. The field is below the Triple A field at Siltanen Park. Players are drafted on Majors teams based on tryouts.

All of the divisions are considered instructional, except for Majors, which is our one competitive level.

Note that where there is overlap in ages between divisions, a player's division is determined by the draft following tryouts. The Majors draft is first—the Majors team managers must select all league age 12 players, and all league age 11 players unless there is a concern about a player's safety in Majors. In the next draft, the AAA team managers must select all remaining league age 11 players, and all league age 10 players unless there is a concern about a player's safety in AAA. In the final draft, AA team managers must select all remaining league age 10 and 9 players, and all league age 8 players except those playing Little League for the first time. League age 7 players not drafted to a AA team will be placed on a Single-A team.

Why can't 6 year-olds play in Single-A without a year in T-ball first?

This is Little League International's regulation III (c) and regulation I (a), note 3.

Why not make Single-A a LLI T-ball division?

LLI regulation I (a), note 3 restricts 8 year-olds from playing in their T-ball division. We feel it's important for some 8 year-olds (especially those playing Little League for their first time) to start in Single-A.


Scotts Valley Little League
P.O. Box 66268 
Scotts Valley, California 95067

Phone: 831-515-8268
Email: [email protected]

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